What a beautiful picture of Big Sister Ouida and Little Sister Angie – read on!
“Angie and I attended the Head Start of Rockland, Inc. fundraiser event on Sunday, October 15, from 2-5 pm at Patriot Hills in Stony Point.
HSOR honored Chair of Rockland County Legislature Toney Earl, Deputy Supervisor Isidro Cancel, and Michelle Kleinman, nutritionist from the Department of Health. Angie had the chance to speak to her former principal from Farley School.
Angie helped with picking the raffle winners and won a Starbucks basket and a small basket of pretzels covered/designed like pencils. She had a great time. Before the event, we talked about bullying, any experiences, how it is dealt with in the school. ”
Well done Ouida – We just love hearing from our mentors about the positive influence they are having on their littles!