Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rockland County held its Annual Holiday Party in December and it was a blast. We had a full house and all of the participants had such a great time!
We should like to thank the Rockland Independent Insurance Agents for its sponsorship of the 2017 Party, DEC Copiers and the Rotary Club of New City, together with many anonymous donors, for sponsorship of gift cards presented by Santa, to all children present.
For the donations of such wonderful raffles and prizes , gratitude is extended to Lenny Spiegel of Duke of Oil & Tune, Gregory Raho of 16 Handles, Mel Davis, Moes Southwest Grill of Nanuet, Victor Ebert of Crowne Plaza and our own BBBS Board Member, Jennifer Sislin, together with Suez Water.
Sincere appreciation to Dave and Busters, for its generosity in once again, providing us with an amazing venue to hold our party, as well as donating a gift card for the raffle.
Last but certainly, not least, special thanks to all those fantastic mentors, office volunteers and many others of the BBBS family who were involved in ensuring that our Littles and their families would enjoy a wonderful holiday experience !!!