Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rockland County extends HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to three Littles in our 1-to-1 Community Mentoring Program for becoming camp counselors at Deerkill Day Camp this upcoming summer!
Little Sister Daphkar, Little Brother Anthony and Little Brother Shawn started out as campers two summers ago through our Camp Scholarship Program. The next summer, they became Counselors in Training which entailed a half day of counselor training, then, half a day of being a camper.
The Deerkill Day Camp staff were so impressed with these young individuals that they decided to hire them as counselors for this summer!
We are so proud of our “Littles” for this accomplishment and we are sure that they will make great counselors!
Big Brothers Big Sisters also extends gratitude to Deerkill Day Camp for providing these wonderful kids with such a great opportunity and for their continued support of our agency!