Another Happy Parent!
We so appreciate all that your organization is able to do, both for my son AND for all the other parents that have children participating in the BBBS program.
Letter of Gratitude
Please help us, help others by donating today. No matter how large or small- your gift will help !!!

Volunteers Attest to Success of Aglialoro Tutoring Academy
Hi Gillian,
I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the tutoring program. It was incredible of course to see the girl who at first needed help with simple operations grow into being able to do much of her math homework with little help, but even more so to see her go from shrugging her shoulders and saying “I don’t remember what I learned this week” to pulling out her workbook and saying “This is what I learned, can you write me some more practice problems?” When we first began, I honestly did not think I would be able to make a connection with Shereese. She seemed very distant, and frankly, she was being a little difficult at first. However, as the weeks went on, I witnessed her grow incredibly as I just mentioned, and I even felt that we developed a friendship. She began to ask me about my own experiences at school, tell me about her teachers, and we even shared some laughs. We stayed away from personal talk as you advised, but I do feel that by the end of the program, we had become friends. To see and help someone grow in that way and develop a bond like that was a truly priceless experience and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate.
Happy Memorial Day! Enjoy the beautiful weather,
It was truly a pleasure to work with the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization this past year. The tutoring program was remarkable and gave me a great sense of service to be able to aid in the learning of other students from Rockland County. Marcus was a great tutee and seemed to enjoy learning. Every time he understood a concept or was able to answer a difficult question, you could see that he felt truly accomplished. I hope that my work with him will allow him to grow as a student and gain a greater appreciation for learning. Hopefully, the ATA program will continue to positively impact students in the future through the gift of learning.
BBBS Testimonal!
One of the best gifts that were ever given to me is my Big Sister, Corinne. She loves me unconditionally!! She has been my mentor, my best friend, and my biggest fan; I am so happy to have her in my life and I love her dearly. I am also super grateful for her family who welcomes me as one of their own. She has been in my life longer than anyone I know. I am so grateful to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rockland for pairing us together – I thank you for this wonderful gift!!
Little Sister, Farrah.
I am the Big Sister to whom Farrah refers and it all began in early 1991 when I decided to complete an application with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rockland to have a Little Sister, although I had a full life and was engaged at the time but wanted to be part of the BBBS team and to have a Little Sister who would receive some love and fun – because that’s how I grew up!! The BB/BS org had an easier process back then for me to get set up, filling out the application and talking with a passionate caring coordinator (I’m sure it’s even better these days with on-line applications)!! So then the waiting started… and finally – it happened! I got the call… They had a Little Sister for me, her name was Farrah. The bb/bs org sent someone to visit my home for an Intake Interview, met with my parents and even my fiancé!! Eventually, Farrah and I were introduced and we both decided to give it a try (the minimum amount of time the organization will accept is 1 year).
Well, that’s old history now – yes – 25 years!!! And as the BB/BS org started our sisterhood, so we will remain sisters. (Little did we know back in 1991, that we would remain together- and here we are in 2016, as close as we still are! After Farrah reached 18, we were no longer formally part of the BBBS team but my whole family stepped in at that point and became Farrah’s family too ; my mom, dad, sisters, aunts and uncles, grandmas, etc.!!! – and we were never ever bored when we got together; we’d go to a movie, hiking, she would come to the animal shelter I volunteered at to help, we’d go to my family gatherings, we’d go out to eat, ride bikes, just talk on the phone…(didn’t have texting back then)
Because of how great our relationship was, Farrah decided to give back and decided to give a try also to have her own Little Sister (what an ancestry I started)!! Their relationship was great and worked successfully until Farrah’s Little Sister moved away from Rockland. It was amazing to see them together and I even spent some times with the two of them.
Farrah and I have established a great deal of affection, which grows with each year. I feel and can speak for Farrah too when I tell you that BB/BS certainly knew what they were doing when they paired us together! We both will be forever grateful! Keep up the fantastic work you do!
Mikey’s Story
(BBBS Family Partnership Testimonial )
The Big Brother Big Sister Organization has affected me tremendously. Bringing in a child to our family circle is one of the greatest decisions our family has ever made. Through a deliberate and careful process, however, a BBBS caseworker suggested my mother and father, through the Family Partnership Program, mentor a child named Daniel. Looking back now, she was most definitely right – it was an excellent match for our family!
Daniel came to us from Spanish descent, living in a low-income household and being raised by a divorced mother who does not speak English very well. With little to no help at home, because all his siblings were older and already living elsewhere, Daniel received no help when studying or doing homework. To make the situation worse, his mother, who is very caring and supportive, has to work night shifts, leaving him alone with no one to enforce rules or codes upon him. This caused Daniel to rebel and avoid all schoolwork for video games and other forms of entertainment. Daniel also had an unhealthy diet which resulted in him being overweight and out of shape and because he loves to play soccer which, without being in shape, can be an extremely difficult sport in which to participate. So, when Daniel became our mentee, he was not on a good path but, progress began to show right from the onset.
Daniel loves sports, which made it extremely easy for me to make conversation and play with him. Also, although he may not have been doing well in school, he is a very intelligent kid. He loves to watch the news and talk about current events. This created very interesting conversations between my parents, him, and me. Besides simple conversations, we take Daniel to all different places. We go to the pool in the summer, go to carnivals, amusement parks, movies, arcades, and all sorts of places. This gives something for Daniel, as well as us, to look forward too.
With this positive influence from his mentors (my parents), Daniel has quickly begun to perform better in school and exercise more. Knowing that we have encouragingly made a difference to a kid in need, has given my entire family a sense of worth, and pride. It is truly a win-win situation!!!
Thank you Big Brothers Big Sisters for all that you do to change lives!!
“Honestly, until someone volunteers and becomes involved with BBBS’s staff, they have no idea of the support and professionalism they will have throughout their involvement with your award winning agency.
I truly believe that a lot of people are like myself. Skeptical and afraid to put themselves out there because of the fear they’ll have nobody to turn to should questions or problems arise with their Little. You have such a great and professional team who addresses these fears with a simple phone call. Unfortunately, the general public doesn’t know this and they’re unaware of the tools and support for your BBBS’s volunteers. All the general public sees are commercials of people with kids and alot of them might say to themselves, “I would love to do that but I’m afraid.”
In any event, thank you Gillian, for your 20 years of dedication to a very challenging and difficult but rewarding profession. And again, thanks for helping me out last year with a child who is no longer in your program.
God Bless you and your staff. And a very blessed 2016.”
Linda F.
Big Cheryl and Little Zachary
Seeing the look on my “Little’s” face when he experiences something for the first time is the best thing about being a Big. I would have never tried fishing without having my Little. My Little has become more outgoing and seems to have more eye contact and trusts me. The staff of Big Brothers Big Sisters supports me by their availability to answer questions and offer suggestions.
Big Debra and Little Tyshaun
Being a Big Sister was a blessing. It enriched my life by helping me feel that my small act of kindness was chipping away at a larger problem in our society. Thanks for the opportunity. -Debra
I was a Big Sister with Big Brother Big Sister organization from 2008 thru 2015. I had the pleasure of becoming a friend to my Little Brother as we explored and experienced different activities from simple breakfast at IHOP to an evening on the town (Off Broadway magic show and dinner served with cloth napkins). We enjoyed many outings that were a new experience for him and for me. The objective was to try something new, expand our knowledge of New York, and have fun even when we didn’t like the activity.
I’ve always had a desire to influence young people to safely explore outside of their immediate community and open their minds to the different things that make life interesting. I believe exposure to various types of people and events help kids (especially in under served communities) know that there’s hope and possibility for a lifestyle other than what they might be accustomed to.
My Little Brother developed into a fine and respectful young man because he had a good support system at home. I’d like to think that his experiences with me, and our conversations during each outing, helped influence his decision to be a better student and attend a local college. After each new experience, he looked forward to telling his family about it. He encouraged them to try a few new things too.
Older workers have a wealth of experience and the time to enlighten, encourage, and empower young people. As an older person, I have the patience to listen, coach, and share personal and professional successes/pitfalls that could be helpful to younger people. I’ve learned not to judge and to appreciate differences in people and their perspectives. When I am a full time retiree, I plan to volunteer for Big Brother Big Sister or another organization that strives to empower disenfranchised children in local communities and give them hope for a better future.
Testimonial from a Big Brother
The Big Brothers Big Sisters program does not understand its true significance. The illusion is that this is a program for the “Littles” not the “Bigs”. This is nonsense, but useful PR for the organization. The real benefit of the program is to the Bigs. You cannot imagine the quiet feelings that come from having one of these Littles–watching them start to respect you, then need you, and then love you, reaching the point where the need the Littles have no longer embarrasses them, but becomes a bond that is going to last. Compared to what the Bigs get, the Littles are performing a public service.
Everyone should get one, while they last.
Big Brother Joseph
Testimonial from a Big Brother
BBBS is humbled by this lovely letter from Dominican College acknowledging our 20 year after school program currently funded by an anonymous donor, courtesy of our prevention/intervention Tomorrow’s Outlook Matters (T.O.M) alcohol/substance abuse program.
Thank you Sister Barbara for your kind words, thank you Dominican College, thank you Spring Valley High School, thank you Mental Health Association of Rockland County, thank you United Way of Rockland County, thank you Haverstraw Reach Out Center and thank you to our supporters for making this program possible!
To learn more about our school based programs-