Left to Right: Dwindell Feeley, Project Manager BBBS of RC; Denise Spar, Coordinator of The Backpacks Foundation; Juhi Pandya, Girl Scout Troop 4316 Volunteer & Sarah Arras, Program Supervisor BBBS of RC 

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rockland County should like to thank Denise Spar, Coordinator of The Backpacks Foundation and Juhi Pandya, a young lady who is pursuing the Silver Award for Girl Scouts Troop 4316, for providing 35 children in our 1-to-1 community program with book bags and school supplies for the upcoming school year.

The smiles on the children’s faces when they received these wonderful donations lit up the room. We are so grateful for The Backpacks Foundation for their continuous support to our mission.

We should also like to extend since best wishes to Juhi in her pursuit of the Girl Scouts Silver Award and to once again offer our sincere appreciation in her efforts to help our community!